Propane Safety Tips Released

After a mild start to winter, the National Weather Service predicts icy temperatures will bring freezing temperatures to parts of the country before too long. (image:

A mild start to winter has helped cut demand for propane as folks use less fuel to keep warm. The unseasonable temperatures are good news for propane customers and have forced the Energy Information Administration to lower its winter price forecast, reports.

Propane users in the Midwest and Northeast are tipped to see lower fuel bills this winter, with prices down 1.6 percent and 0.4 percent respectively. That’s a dramatic fall from last month, when the EIA projected propane bills would rise by 3.7 percent in the Midwest and 6.7 percent in the Northeast compared to last year. But despite the mild start to winter, the National Weather Service says icy winter snow and freezing temperatures are still likely to head our way before winter is through, meaning demand for propane will spike.

Accumulated snow can damage propane tanks, pipes, and other equipment and affect the supply of fuel to homes. So the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) has produced a useful brochure for propane customers that provides some useful tips as nasty winter temperatures start to bite, reports.

The brochure, Essential Propane Safety Information for High Snowfall Areas, shows homeowners how they can help keep their propane system running smoothly and keep their house warm when snow piles up.

It gives directions on what to do before, during, and after a major snowstorm and will be useful to homeowners, propane marketers and property managers as they prepare for the season’s big snowstorms. Tips include marking tanks and regulators, keeping enough propane in the tank, and brushing snow and ice away from propane equipment. The brochure also advises owners of homes that may be unoccupied during snowstorms to designate a responsible party, such as a property manager or a snow removal service, to monitor the propane system regularly while they are away – helping homeowners stay safe, stay warm, and stay on top of high snowfall.

“These are valuable guides for homeowners and property managers in regions with heavy snowfall, and for the propane marketers who serve them,” said Roy Willis, PERC president and CEO. “Get this important safety information now to help ensure that propane systems continue operating safely and efficiently, no matter the weather.”

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